Monday, November 16, 2009

What Is The Best Way To Handle People Constantly Spelling Your Name Wrong...?? ?

Even though it's written in front of them at least 20 times. It's so frustrating, I only have 6 letters to remember. Not that difficult.

What Is The Best Way To Handle People Constantly Spelling Your Name Wrong...?? ?
~~People that care enough to pay attention spell your name correctly **CHARLI**... My Son ERICK runs into the same drives him (and I) CRAZY when they spell HIS Individual name Incorrectly... he is named after his Dad RICK.. his father said he didn't want a Son named RICK (he never really cared for his name) so we named him a variation of Rick... it became ERICK....NOT Eric.. NOT Erik..But ERICK.. :-)...We feel your PAIN !
Reply:Hey Charli, I have the same problem, but not with just my first name, but my last name too. The problem is my last name with the miss spelling is the same name as a family with a bad reputation in my town and everyone, I mean everyone knows them or of them. I constantly have to tell people to omit the "E" they like to add in or I get a surprised look when I turn up to the appointment on time, dressed nicely and a totally different person they expect me to be, lol.

And don't get me started on my first name Rachel....simple you would think, but no, I get Rachelle, Rachael, Raecheal, Raquel and the list goes on. You would think after 31 years I would get over it, but it pees me off to no end. I feel your pain ;)
Reply:I gave up a long time ago %26amp; I don't even have a hard name.

It's J-A-M-I-E not J-A-I-M-E.

I've been at my job for over 3 years and there's stll a few supervisors who spell it wrong even though it's spelled on my e-mails %26amp; my name plate on my desk!!!!!
Reply:I get it all the time too. 4 letters people. N-I-K-I. Not hard. Not nikki, not nicky, not nicki, not nickiey. BUT , I have learned to live with it. You will see it more and more with this influx of funked up spelling. People, learn how to spell your childs name! Stop making stuff up. If you think a name is cute but want to put your own little twist on it....dont! Please think of your kids. They have to live with this.
Reply:Get use to it. I have a 2 letter name and when I was younger my teachers would always tell me that my name is not spelled correctly because there is no vowel. I would always tell them, see my mother she name me, and it does have a vowel. I would have that problem all the way up until middle school. Then once I got there they accused me of using a nick name or abbreviated name. I would always tell them, that's my name and it is not short for anything else. After middle school I just pick up a nickname and stuck with it. RAMMAN-that's another story for another time.
Reply:just laugh about it and try not to let it annoy you too much. You can't change the fact that a lot of people are ignorant. I called my youngest daughter Ophelia - even her own grandmother has spelt it wrongly / differently on at least 6 different occasions. As long as you know how to spell it and your mum and dad know, what else matters?
Reply:I'd try to ignore it. : )

I don't have this problem but it happens alllllll the time w/ my boys. They are Aidan and Connor and so many people spell them Aiden and Conner. It doesn't usually bother me. However, Aidan had a substitute teacher the day they made my Mother's Day card and now I have a special card to keep forever w/ my sons name spelled incorrectly. I also have a little scrapbook that my husbands aunt made for me when Aidan was a baby. She spelled his name correctly half the time and incorrectly the rest. It was sweet, but you know. Those are the kinds of things that get me!!!
Reply:Lol, I hear ya Charli.

My aunty still spells my name wrong, even after 31 years.

Claire, Clair, Clare. There's a 1 in 3 chance of getting it right, but no. People always manage to pick the wrong one.

Not much we can do, just brush it off.

Mind you I love the nice people who actually ASK how it is spelt, to ensure they DON'T spell it wrong. Got to love them!

Edit: Sorry I stole your "E". With it you may have had it a lot easier in life. People may have spelt your name right.
Reply:Well you can do a couple of things. When they give you something with your name misspelled tell them right away.


You can return it to them and say its not for you because that's not your name.

I know that may sound petty but it works.

Or just let it go.
Reply:Maybe they are doing that on purpose, to tell you you don't matter enough to them to get your name right. Don't get angry. Just observe what they do and take that into consideration in how you react around them. These are not people you want to tell anything important.
Reply:I hate that! My name is Michelle, which is spelled the common way, but there are other ways to spell it. So I just end up spelling it out or saying Michelle with 2 L's when I meet someone. Its not that hard and I dont know why people cant get it right!
Reply:You can't control what other people do. And in a language like English, words, and names, get misspelled. Both my first and last names are easily misspelled. I've lived with it all my life without getting upset, and so can you.
Reply:Oh don't I know what you mean!!!!

Imagine being Carrie............or Cari, or Kari or Karrie or Keri or Carey or Kerry or Carry or Karey or Kerrie or Carri or get the point.

Just remind them over and over, that's what I do.

Reply:Part of the issue is that people who name thier kids ;think it's cute to give them a neat spelling like Charli. You are DOOMED to have a life time of mispellings because of this thoughtful action.

Get over it.
Reply:I have yet to figure that out. My name is common and never misspelled or mispronounced. But people are constantly misspelling %26amp; mispronouncing both my husband %26amp; my son's names. And like yours, THEY'RE NOT COMPLICATED!!!! GET IT RIGHT ALREADY PEOPLE!!!
Reply:I would either just ignore it or make a point of saying "It's Charlie without an E" if that is how they are misspelling it.
Reply:I've gotten over it. People always add an I to my last name or change my name to Melinda. Oh well.
Reply:I feel your pain. I used to be Sidney, but God and Doc BC could never get it right, so I just changed it.
Reply:Don't feel bad at least these people are strangers, hell I'm 28 years old and my grandma still spells my name wrong
Reply:you write it on their face with a sharpie

no, really you just deal with it
Reply:Sprel there name wong too

lady slipper

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