Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Everyone hates the spelling of my daughters name?

After I found out I was Having a girl, my husband and I picked the name Caileigh. Since then everyone has be trying to either get me to change the name or change the spelling to kaylee. I dont want to change it but Im beginning to really get sick of everyone bothering me about it. My mother has gone as far as putting me on the phone with total strangers and trying to have them convince me to change it. What can I do to get them to stop suggesting ways to change it and why I should change it, because asking just doesnt help.

Everyone hates the spelling of my daughters name?
Personally I don't care for the spelling, but it's your choice. However, if you ever had a name that nobody could pronounce or spell, you might have a different viewpoint. I did and changed it as soon as I could.
Reply:Hang up the phone when they start and refuse to discuss it. I personally like the unusual spelling better. My daughter's name is Aleshia. I liked it better (and it actually sounds when pronouced like my spelling) than alicia. If you and your husband like it, that is all that matters.
Reply:Actually... if u r wanting it to sound like Kaylee then u have mispelled her name bc Caileigh is pronounced with an uh at the end. I would change it...the time is now while ur daughter is little and doesnt know whats going on.
Reply:You can spell it any way you want too. I see nothing wrong with your spelling. Just smile at them and thank them for their help and do what you want. I see nothing wrong with your spelling.
Reply:all the same name but if your sick of spelling it out now then id second guess it. otherwise you have the rest of your life saying caileigh spelt c-a-i-l ect.
Reply:Sounds like your problem isn't the name, but a controlling mother. You and your husband together have chosen a name and it's time for her to butt out! Moms have a way of getting under our skin at times, so tell her firmly that it is not her decision and that you will no longer be discussing the name issue with her any further. She may get mad, but she's out of line and hopefully will realize that once you put your foot down. If she brings it up, remind her that you will not discuss it and if she continues, hang up! Be proud of the name you've chosen!
Reply:think about this please! if you are getting this much grief and hassle about this horrid name what will your poor baby have to go through??? please change the name to something else because this train wreck of a name is only unique and cool to you!! i am sorry but if you use this your kid will not be happy with all the negative comments she will hear her whole life!!! it is about her after all not you! good luck! if you really love this name so much and the awful spelling change your own name to this or get a dog!good luck.
Reply:do wut u plz it your child your life your choice dont let them hold u back 4 nothing
Reply:You can say "thank you for your advice, however, we've already decided on a spelling". My daughters name is Kiahnna and I get crap about how I spelled it ALL the time! They'll get use to it and if they don't really all you have to say is tough sh*t!!!! :) she's your daughter and it's your decision in the end!

And, by the way, I really like the way you've chosen to spell it. The reason I spelled my daughters name different was because if it did one day happen to become a popular name I wanted her name to stand out somehow on a class list.
Reply:Man, people sure can be annoying. Sorry about that. Just agree with them to get them to be quiet if they don't leave you alone.
Reply:Your choice!!!
Reply:maybe they know someone with that spelling and dont like it but it doesnt really matter its your child not there's, what you name her is between you and your husband and no one else.

the spelling of her name is the same as a characther on csi:miami. she is the one with the blond hair who is the gun expert. calleigh duquense
Reply:When i first read this question without clicking on it, i thought oh God here we go another moron trying to name their dauther T'shawnuh or Izybeluh, but im pleasantly surprised that you are going to spell Kaylie Caileigh. I really love it, its one of my choices for when i have a daughter some day and thats the exact way i want to spell it. Its unique and i think its prettier then all the other ways. Everyone thinks they are SO different by spelling it Kaylee, really it just looks stupid and it is getting popular. Caileigh, is really pretty have you though of a middle name?
Reply:Stand your ground! She will be your child and you and your significant other are entitled to name her whatever you'd like. If this is a name that YOU will be happy with when she is ten years old and you think SHE will be happy with it ten years from now then do it. I like the spelling and anyone who know how to spell and speaks English well will have no problem pronouncing it.

Best wishes to you!
Reply:Tell them it's your child, and you will name her. After all, they get to name their children. Also remember, your daughter will also need to learn to spell her name at some point in time.
Reply:I personally like the spelling you chose. It makes the name unique. Just tell them all to back off, you wanted something unique for your daughter's name. She's your daughter not theirs.
Reply:Why Do you care what they think?You are her mother and you decided to name her what you think is best and if they don't like it then that's there problem not yours.Also I think Caileigh is spelled nicer then Kaylee.It's more unique!
Reply:It shouldnt matter what they think because she is your daughter but if it makes you feel better people didnt like it when my parents named my Catie because of the c and wanted it changed to Katie but my parents wouldnt and now lots of people say how much they love how I spell my name!!! Stick it out Caileigh is really pretty!!
Reply:She's going to have an awful time getting people to spell it correctly when she's older. If you don't change it, by the time she's 18 she probably will.
Reply:Honestly, I didn't know that you were actually naming her *Spelling phonectically here* Kaylee. At first glance I thought you were naming her Kali or Callie.
Reply:I think that Caileigh is a beautiful spelling :)
Reply:I actually like the way you want to spell it. She's your daughter - not everyone else's. As far as trying to get them to stop trying to make you change it, let them know it's your child and whether they like it or not, you are going to spell your baby's name the way YOU want to. Not the way they want to. (You could also say, "Thanks for the suggestion, but I like the way I want to spell it. It'll make her stand out." -%26gt; I guess that's the nice way to say it).
Reply:I have to admit I'm one of those people that truly hates "unique" spellings, but what your family is doing would irritate me to no end.... I'll probably be in the same boat, in a way.... I like really under the radar names, however with no strange spellings, but I know I'll get crap from people....

Tell everyone to piss off.... that's what I would do!
Reply:Hi,I too wanted to ask similar question.Thank you.
Reply:Well I guess the reason is that it will be hard on your daughter none of her teachers will ever be able to figure out what her name is wich will irritate her she will always have to spell it to people when she's older and gets phone calls from people they won't get it right it will probably be a big irritation to her when she's older just try to think about how she will feel growing up. I can tell you my husband hates how his name is spelled everyone gets it wrong and it still aggervates him 29 years later. So do your little one a favor and spell it Kaylee you still get to call her that so why not change it to a spelling all will understand.
Reply:tell them all to pound sand it is your kid your choce
Reply:I like that spelling. She's your baby and you can spell her name however you want to. Your mother and everyone else needs to leave you alone. The only important thing is that your baby is healthy. Remind people of that and then the spelling of her name will not seem so important.
Reply:first, let me say that Ive been in your situation before when I was pregnant with both of my children. Everyone will ALWAYS have their own opinion on what you should name YOUR child and different ways of spelling it lol. Just remember that it is you and your husbands decision and no one elses. Besides the way that you have spelled Caileigh is beautiful and unique, and at least you dont have to worry about any one else having the same name!!!
Reply:I hate to say it but I don't like the spelling either. I think your daughter will probably not like it either. I'm not saying I don't like the name, I do but I think ALOT of people are going to mispronounce it. (I would pronounce that name like Kylie)What about a compromise like say Cayleigh? If it comes down to it, you are the parent and it's your choice and noone has to like it but you. Good Luck!
Reply:your baby your choice
Reply:DONT CHANGE IT!.. let ur child be unique.. i love the way ur spelling it.. Some ppl dont really like my lil girls name (Nessa).. but i dont care.. its not their baby.

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